What can I talk about on social media?

What can I talk about on social media?


A great question today:

Hi Charlee, I want to follow your advice to put myself out there and post on social media a lot, particularly stories. The problem I have is I don't know what to say. If I just talk about my products I feel like I'm just saying my description again. What should I talk about? Thanks

I think this is a problem we all struggle with, you don't want to be too pushy and just sound like a sales person but you need to talk about your products. Here are my tips:

1 - Your products rock!

Firstly don't be ashamed to promote! Your products are great (or you wouldn't be selling them, right?) so don't be afraid to tell people how great they are. Talk about the benefits you are providing, the great parts of your resources and how teachers can use them in their classes. Talk about the resources that excite you, that way your passion will shine through!


2- Get others involved

On Instagram, Facebook, Podcasts and many other platforms you can interview another seller or teacher. This will give you and your audience lots of content and allow you to discuss topics relevant to your business and your products, decide on questions before hand but don't be afraid to let the conversation flow off topic. 


3- Mix it up

Use photos, videos, interviews and general chat on your social media, mix up how you present information. It also helps to keep your accounts looking fresh.


4- Personal stuff is good too

If you don't want to put your personal life on social media that's fine. There are still ways to talk about your life without being too personal. I don't like to put my children on social media and I don't talk too much about where I live, but I still talk about and show interesting places I've visited, I talk about problems I am having that relate to my business. Showing parts of your life and your day can be very engaging. 

5- Teaching stuff!

I left this until last as it is probably the most important one. Your products should be solving problems for teachers, so it is a good idea to talk about the things teachers deal with. Discuss classroom decoration, the things your kids say and the general chat that you would talk about in the staff room. Treat your followers as your teacher friends and you will be able to talk to them easily. 

These are just a few ideas, if you want to include other things of course go ahead! I hope this helps.


If you are a new seller (or even if you aren't) click here to grab your free seller starter pack. This pack contains your seller planner and 101 ways to market your store list. 

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